Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I'm so sad, so fucked up and hurting so damn much.
So twisted inside.

I'm hating you so much at this point, why didn't we fight for us?
i made a mistake , oh my God i made a mistake.... but why?
why didn't u fight for me..
if u loved me so much N why didn't u fight for me?

i guess i was never anything u said i was.
i was really never good enough.

i'm so fucked up.
So twisted inside.

i've never been anything more than a pathetic dreamer, a stupid little girl what wishes to live in a teenager film where life is so easy no matter what bumps or ups and downs everything just seems to work out in the end...

i'm so fucked up and hurtins so damn much.
So twisted inside.

Why the fuck you doing with your life? Why didn't you want me in it? I really wasn't so worth it hey?

I'm nothing but a stupid pathetic child inside that still dreams of being safed.

Oh my God i'm so damn pathetic, but please tell me I didn't blow the only change for love I really had right?
Tell me it is possible for me to trust someone like I trusted N.
Tell me it is possible for me to believe in someone like i so damn believed every word N said.
Tell me it is possible for me to feel so comfortable and so damn good next to someone like when I was close to N.
Oh God tell me I'm going to get over him, forgive myself and just fucking let go of all this pain.

I'm really nothing but
a stupid pathetic child inside
that dreams of being safed...
like N once made me believe he would.


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