Saturday, September 16, 2006


oh well, today the results came out.
parabéns a mim, entrei:)
entrei e ja nao estou ai.

(Parabéns a todos voces meus amigos k lutaram por isto.ainda bem k ficaste ai B eu sabia k ias conseguir, sabia:) )

feels so wierd and i guess it's natural to ask or wonder if i'm doing the right thing?
given there is no right or wrong, wonder if i'm going the best for me...

aiii cm gostava de ter a certeza das coisas k faço. se tivessemos certezas dos passos k damos as escuras. tlz seja o medo de frakasar, tlz sejam as saudades... tlz seja as duas coisas mto bem misturadas e embrulhadas dentro de mim.

aii tou com uma raiva dele. fdx custa dizer kkc. custa informar me... odeio isto. ñ kero preocupar me ctg pk tu ja nao mereces esta merda. pk eu ja nao mereço esta dor... pelo menos axo k ja ñ mereço sofrer mais por te amar tanto assim.


Blogger sahara said...

congratulations, indeed! you all did extremely well :)

as for you, you knew you would get in. you said it yourself. to me. and i knew it too, it was easier to believe and confirm it than with anybody else. and you got in. but you are there, you a chance for a somewhat new life. so use it the best you can. try to enjoy it. you will do fine. really. you will. doesn't mean you aren't missed. because you are :)

big kiss baby*
mom loves u []

8:29 AM  

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