Sunday, March 02, 2008

cold inside


One word, one film; So many, many emotions. There was no way I was able to control it, tears came as I tried so hard to contest them.

To be very honest sometimes it is hard to actually lower guard, but it is even harder to feel mislead.
Reality sometimes seems stranger, harder to actually make sense of so maybe that is why I have always been a dreamer. Desires of reaching highs that only in my mind seem to exist with the power and beauty I want. Hopes of a future as bright as the starts that light my soul on a good day, these are still inside. Reality slowly slips and I feel myself drift, fighting against certain details trying to maintain the sense of me I wish I was actually to be.


Blogger sahara said...

The hardest thing to find is Balance: that place between the dreams we keep and the reality we are set in. But in some days it is quite doable; in others, far from coming true.

It is good the film allowed yourself to cry those tears, to let your expectations flow, because reacting to them is giving them the existence they deserve. The sense of you is still very much there, as you know. Sometimes the hardest isn't the other's misleading but our own detours. That's the worst misleading of all. Keep your eyes open and your heart assured. One day your guard will be led down and you will feel that is the right path to take. :)

Love you lots, honey * [ ]

5:12 AM  
Blogger sheila said...

It is okay to let he guad down..we have always been told that we must be optimistic,think positively,be racional but the truth is that sometimes,believing in another "reality" is just denying how we feel.yes we feel bad sometimes and desperate too..not the greatest feeling but a true one.let it be..cry and then be racional,look at yourself (such a beautiful person) and look at the world in front of you.
Love you dear*

2:47 PM  

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