Thursday, July 13, 2006


I have to say I'm proud of myself. For once I did not go wrong. Not so shitty as I thought.

Sad tomorrow is the last day with my kids and my mind ain't going to be so ocupaid so stupid thought please stay away...

It's incridble. Maybe it is just me... maybe it is just my problem and I'm the one that is wrong ... right to be dissapointed or sad... I have no right but still... You keep hurting me more and more...
3 weeks and you were to busy to say anything at all, fetch books someone in the car next to you but what could you do it was an order cause she is a friend of your mother... so I had no right to get angry or anything at all, a discussion that just made me sadder, you at the cafe with a friend and I just happend to go to the same one... but hey you really so damn busy, far to busy to speak even to me...
So marks out. Big day. See you you tell me your marks, think boy just a little I've seen them... and me? how were mine?

" oi - oi - a paixao ta no carro se kiseres falar com ela - hum ta bem - tive 8 a ingles - nem sei cm dado k nao fizeste nd - falar com a paixao. - ser despaxada. - yah nem me pgs pelas minhas notas - (a paixao confusa, kais notas tipo o k foram fazer a escola, duh...) - silencio." fui embora magoada. tou a ser parva?
tenho razoes pa tar triste?
o k?
who gives a fuck...

cada x te sinto mais longe e mais odio e magoa e dor sinto a tua volta.
cd x me sinto mais triste por as coisas tarem assim.


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