Friday, November 02, 2007

I just posted and then found, previous post was exactly named Hope.

The contrary to exactly how I am feeling tonight. I guess certain days just consume me and maybe that is a reason I consider myself such a hard person to deal with. But that needed people, needed my family, needed support and fucking wanting to feel loved is something I really need, it is; No matter how good my day.


Blogger sahara said...

it's hard to struggle on your own. there will be harder days and other when things don't seem as bad, maybe you even understand the strength you (do) have in you. but the going gets too rough when there doesn't seem to be any kind of support and appreciation from the people who, at this moment, should be the shoulder that your family usually is. they should understand it isn't easy for you and if it were one of them, it would be the same. i don't get why people have such a hard time getting into another person's shoes. i guess in certain case we just CAN'T rely our selves to anybody. only to those who have been there for you, forever. so in the hard days remember: family and friends are here for you, cheering all the way (don't you EVER doubt that or i'll go there myself and slap you in the face and then you'll want to call your mommy and she'll come and kick my ass and it will turn out a big mess and i don't think you want that, do you? :P). no matter how far, we try to be close.

big kiss & much, much LOVE * :)

12:25 PM  

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