Wednesday, September 19, 2007


We often have strong emotions we desire to share; we often want to let them out. I like to be honest and say what I feel or what is on my mind, but I always find I take it a step too far.

There are things we should not tell, some people need to be protected and to other people some emotions are irrelevant. I know that although I feel a little in doubt and I question if this was the best decision, this fear of mine… I can’t share it with her. My M needs to be protected, in no way will this help so I keep this to myself.
Sometimes we care for people and feel like telling them over and over, but when this isn’t the perfect relationship it just ends up in one person hurting themselves. I always tell him too much, things he doesn’t even care about. I know I should just hold that emotion bottled up, to myself.

Following a revelation which should not have been made always comes the same emotion… I know I shouldn’t have said that…

I have to learn to keep quiet to let things roll, especially toward certain people. We have to put up specific masks in relation to whom we dealing with. I am not saying changing who we are… ( I hate that, people that aren’t ever themselves because they got so confused between all the roles they play)

I have to learn and re-remember that for my M I am the strongest and most confident girl, for him I am just a person with whom to chat once and a while.

Right now I can’t think of anyone else I make this mistake of saying to much… maybe that is strange or maybe it just shows that these two people are the ones I try so much harder to be person they would like…


Blogger sahara said...

for some we say too much, for others we never say enough. it's a difficult area to manage, i must confess - what to tell, what to keep inside, not an easy task at all.
but it has to be done. because words can HURT, no matter what you say. and because we all have a core of feeling somewhere and so whatever anyone tells us, it will hit a nerve. it will cause an effect. and it isn't only our own emotions we then have to deal with - it's other people's. and those are much tougher to handle.

i guess maybe you are right about the M and him stuff - you want to be the best person you can be in their eyes so it's more than natural that you try to be careful with the emotions you convey them as not to spoil their picture of you. you know what, M's are a hard pill to swallow, they never want to acknowledge we truly have grown up but at the same time they rest on us all the responsabilities of the world - we are strong and we can handle it, and the truth is we really can! :) so in a way, your M will always be concerned with you but i think on the other hand she knows you'll get through everything with the best smile you can think of. :)

about him...well, you tell too much and maybe he doesn't tell everything he should. i don't know, maybe i'm always a person who doesn't seem to get enough of emotions and words. :P

big kiss * [ ]

7:02 AM  
Blogger sahara said...

* always that sort of person who (...)

7:03 AM  

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