Friday, June 16, 2006

Long day

I got home a while ago, my body is hurting and my brain keeps on telling me to please but please go and rest. Give it a breake. I wish it would do the same thing for me...

went to "Boss Ac"'s concert in Oeiras, enjoyed it cause those songs I know and that I even liked where let out, not only by him, the many many other people but also by me. ( Princesa - Beija me outra x, diz k me amas baby diz mais uma x... Princesa...) ; (Eu estou aki - e to no meu pensamento ... infelizmente... ); (mas afinal de contas ... a boa vibe...) Ou pelo menos eu tentei. ja as outras pessoas cmg, especialmente uma a A, já não sei k fazer contudo as xs sinto k tenho de fazer um grande esforço para nao afugar com ela.
Anyway I tried my best and that is what I've been trying to do these past few days. trying to try my Best.

hj de manha um gajo da minha turma fez me uma pg mm mto estranha. - De k tipo de pessoa é k axas k eu sou? ... Ai se eu pudesse ter respondido exactamente o k eu axo só k eu sei k estaria errado por isso mm tentei perceber o k kerias com essa pg. Disseste me k alguém k estuda pscilogia te disse algumas coisas e pareceu-me k nao concordavas mm com nd do k essa pessoa disse. poix na vdd vdd não sei. ñ te conheço ou tlz até veja de certa forma "para dentro de ti"... por xs penso que ninguem sabe quem nós somos porque escondidos estamos sempre e por mais k alguém nos conheça tanta coisa esta "mistikamente" disfarçada. The one person I believe knows me the best, I believe right now... doesn't not know me no more. There it is, as people there is much more to us than what there is.

Vi a C. é bue estranho pk eu do fundo do corredor caminhei para a outra ponta e algo ñ estava "bem". parece k ja sinto a presença porque começo a sentir me mais pekena, feia e de certa forma mm mto insignificante. Custou. Cm smp vai custar. Mas desta x ao passar por ti senti ... já ñ és a mm "ameaça". Agora é o resto do mundo (e um pouco akela R pk pronto pareces um cão atras dela...) nd k eu possa fazer porque ñ és nem nunca foste meu.

It was the line of thought during the bus trip home now now.
Today I went to see the film I so much wanted to see with him.
(X-men) Really really enjoyed it.
I know things between us ... we will never go to a film together no more, or go out to a club, you'll never invite me to go for a walk or to spend some time cause you want or need to talk. we will never be real friends cause we just won't. I'll never see you just like that and you boy I have no idea but seem to see me just like that pain in the ass you once loved but now... now nothing. But
no problem.
no problem.
Life is exactly about this. Fucking up. Learning and fucking up.
I fuck up. I learnt and even though of course I'm going to fuck up many many more times... there are going to be many things I've learnt for life.

thinking this and the song - Because of you - kelly clarkson started to paly on the radio. Many truths in that song.

Bunny one day you going to understand you true and deep my love goes for you. You i've always just wanted to be importante and really be a part of your life and Now you really made me feel like shit so many many times. There will come a day you'll understand I never ever meent to hurt you and how you sure did, hurt me back over and over again.
But life is exactly about this.
Just one day it's going to be to late...

vi tanta gente "bem" tanto amor a minha volta. Incrivel cm uma x eu estive assim, tao apaixonada e correspondida. Incrivel cm uma x eu me senti tao desejada, forte, amada. Incrivel cm uma x eu acreditei mm no amor. incrivel cm uma x acreditei em ti.

slowly i'm going to build myself again to a person I'll be able to say I'm proud of, cause slowly I'll forgive (I hope) myself for all the shit I did.

But life is exactly like this and one day (maybe not that soon but I'm trying my best) so am I going to be able to move on. (Cause all I've ever wanted though it is the biggest of all my pains is for him to be happy cause at least them, maybe them even though I would "die" I would be able to forgive myself...)


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