Tuesday, June 06, 2006

today i was a bad girl.
i did absoluty no studing at all. now of course like usual i feel bad.
got a lot to do tomorrow.

got the tattoo i've been wanting. the temporary of course. at least for now cause there is no money at all for a real one.
but like i guess it always happens i'm dissapointed cause it is not as perfect as i wanted. I hate when this happens. anyway.

I seem to understand more and more I have a real big problem. I love to talk. I have this thing. I don't believe anyone can read anyone's mind, at least not yet so I believe people especialy in romantic relationships need to talk even when they don't want to cause it might cause conflit. How are people supposed to know how to react what to do or say always when they have no clue what is going on in the head on the other side?
I seem to be the only person that thinks we need to talk about things.
Heard a lot of things today find that i really don't like misunderstandings, or half conversations. Like things clear.

yesterday I went and "worried" him, spoke for just a while on the net and today i worried in even more on the net. The urgue to speak these past days... got a funny undernick him. I don't understand it but also don't think it's for me. Going to have to leave him alone already today now towards the end I get the feeling i'm bothering him.
Don't want to be a nag. Still got that image of me sitting at school waiting for him and seeing that he already had planes with another girl. Still feel like a pathetic small girl after a Older man.

tomorrow got to study, the next day also and the day after british council. Hope that workes out and that i can get the info that i need. still later that day got to study. I have a lot to do and I know I ain't doing half of what I am supposed to.


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