Monday, March 23, 2009


Why do all my decisions seem to have been the wrong ones, grandma?
Things can only be wrong or right in retrospect. It is very hard to know which will be the right or the wrong decisions my child.
I will never make a decision ever again, that I am not one hundred percent sure on.
You my dear are a “heart” girl and you will make many more decisions with your heart.
I hate being a heart girl, grandma. My heart hurts.
I know my darling, I can see you.
Why is it so much easier to just have really good friends?
Because, my sweet, let me explain, when you love you give away a lot more. You give yourself. You also receive someone’s “self”.
I am not strong enough to hold my own “self”. I will never be strong enough or deserving enough of another self.
My little angle you know I believe in you, don’t you?
I believe in you too grandma. I want to believe in me.
I know my little, little heart girl.


Blogger Behind the scene said...

As nossas decisões não são erradas, apenas não correm como gostaríamos. Todos fazemos decisões com o coração e não com a razão, mas é isso que nos torna humanos.
Sabes o que te digo, conhece-te a ti própria e depois deixa que os outros te conheçam, só ai é que vais tomar as decisões mais acertadas (ou mm erradas, serão as mais correctas no momento)..
Não te esqueças que tens um grande valor, por isso ainda continuamos aqui.
kiss kiss

6:09 PM  

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