Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Overload of information, emotion, thoughts and opinions. Several questions as the day went by, a compilation of my baggage and the world’s ashes flying around me.

So question, how come envy is so prevailing? I have managed to understand there are actually two types and there can be a more hostile and less hostile type. However it basically is the horrible feeling of wanting something or somebody’s things or characteristics, something that is not yours; Feeling a whole group of negative emotions. Anyway I wonder to what extend this is associated to our individual self esteem? Why do people suddenly feel so threatened when they are not part of the in group? Why are we individuals so vulnerable as human beings? I am glad I have began to realise when I feel “threatened” and I am able to understand this sensation of feeling inferior… I believe the first step for me is to understand why, at least then I can try and minimise the strange behaviours we tend to have in these situations. I need to add though there is a distinct complication in distinguishing envy from jealousy as they are spoken of interchangeably. So, could I be strong in these two emotions because in part of my lower believe in myself?

I believe this to be interesting, Psychology.

So question, do we ever fully “move” on?
Do we ever actually stop loving someone that we really truly love?
Does there need to be a “stepping stone”?
Isn’t everyone just another “stepping stone” for someone previous?
How honest and true are we to ourselves when we say, we have moved on to someone else?
How much time do we need to feel better about ourselves before we are supposedly able to “give” to someone else again?
Does it depend on what each individual believes about love?
Should we just take the risks?
Does it all depend upon how much we need to be loved or want to be loved?
Can people actually not want to move on at all?
Can romantic unconditional love for someone be healthy?
Is love fair?

Different people, so many different opinions and therefore so many different ways of living their lives. Strikingly such a major gender distinction in dealing with the pain of romantic loss.
So many questions just from listening to one or two stories.

There are definitly already enough unanswered thoughts and feelings inside of me, most certainly enough to drive me mad. Mad, commonly associated to crazy. Crazy, simplistic definition of Paranoid.

I believe this to be interesting, Psychology.


Blogger sheila said...

My beautiful friend*
Cena poderosa que escreveste aqui,é tanta coisa que quero poder dizer que vou acabar por nao dizer nada.As perguntas do fim metem-me a cabeça a andar à roda.Não sei de onde tirei isto mas acho que nós nunca deixamos de amar uma pessoa,se nós fossemos perfeitos a nivel emocional e nos compreendessemos uns aos outros,as relações nunca acabavam.Nem as amorosas nem as de amizade ou familiares.Movemos para outro alguém porque nos convencemos que é disso que precisamos,amor e felicidade providenciada por outra pessoa que nos preencha umas vez que não nos preenchemos sozinhos.

Love u amie*

1:09 PM  

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