Sunday, April 08, 2007

emotional day

I made things complicated today.
Everything has been said already.
But let me say it again, just because I want to.
You broke up with me a long time ago because things didn’t work out and your feelings changed over time and we have since never been on the same level.
I have always believed we would end up together because all I wanted was to be the girl of your dreams and make your life happier.
Please make no mistake you made me really happy once long ago, made me believe in love and that I actually deserved it.
Make no mistake my fantasies were all satisfied you gave me nearly everything. So no way can you feel guilty or anything else about that.
It isn’t healthy for me to carry on wishing to be beside you and being the girlfriend I was once to you. Right?
So all that is left is the possibility of one day things between us being less hard… smoother … but for now all I can ask for is what you want to give me. I accept being a person you speak to once or twice, a “coffee” mate who only trivial things make sense sharing with, because at least I know exactly where I stand.
I will honestly probably carry on dreaming about that day we can have that relationship I want as friends where we talk more often, share our feelings and beliefs… although I know this might just really never happen.
People say close lovers can’t be friends and maybe they right because I still have mixed feelings towards you and maybe only after I am completely over you, when I can say I am not in love no more with you, maybe then …
This is the problem.
I am still emotionally attached to you
Buns I apologize.


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